Loss is painful. Grief is challenging.

Overcoming Grief is here to help.

Overcoming Grief is about helping wounded hearts grieve in healthy ways, adjust, recover, heal, and grow.

Overcoming Grief is also about helping you use your grief and pain for good.

Even with all your losses, you can live with more meaning and purpose than ever before.

"Grief is not a superhighway with a few rest stops along the way. Grief is more like a obstacle-ridden, barely visible path in a thick, dark, overgrown forest. We need companions for this journey. And preferably a few guides too."

- Gary Roe, The Grief Guidebook

"You are not alone."

Loss is naturally a lonely process. You are unique. Your loved one and your relationship with them was one-of-a-kind. Even so, there are many of us on this grief journey. We can walk together.

"You are not crazy."

Loss can make you wonder about your sanity. Your world has been changed forever. The truth us that you're not crazy, but you are in a crazy situation compared to your old normal.

"You will make it through this."

At times, you might wonder if you'll get through this - or who you'll be on the other side. As you process your grief in healthy ways, you can adjust, heal, grow, and live with even more purpose than before.

Hi, I’m Gary.

I'm an author, speaker, and grief specialist.

It's a pleasure to meet you.

I discovered early that life is full of trouble. I experienced multiple, devastating losses in my childhood and teen years.

As I began to heal from some of that pain, I found myself surrounded by other hurting, grieving people.

My adult life has been about walking with others through deep, dark valleys of loss as a missionary, pastor, and hospice chaplain.

I created Overcoming Grief as a safe place where wounded hearts and souls can find support, perspective, guidance, and hope.

Gary's Award-Winning Books

Gary is the author of over 20 books. His titles have won four international book awards and been named as finalists eight times.

Check out Gary's book on his website at www.garyroe.com/books or at your preferred online bookstore.